Maya De Vitry :: Working Man

Hello all,

amidst all the noise of this moment, i would like to share this sweet balm with you. my dear friend Maya De Vitry released this beautiful and potent song today, Working Man, and i had the honor of singing some vocals on it with her. it's just our two voices and her lovely banjo. she is genuinely one of my favorite singers and humans, and if you know her, i'm sure you'd agree. Ethan Jodziewicz engineered this track so elegantly and both he and maya produced it.
as many of you know when the pandemic hit, i decided to follow that quiet inner voice that turned not so quiet to go to nashville for a change. ethan and maya have been steady friends through this whole experience, and my gratitude for their friendship is endless. on the night of july 4th, we all sat around an outdoor fire as the constant chaos of the fireworks interrupted every word we were saying. fireworks in all the neighborhoods up to that point had been a nightly fiasco and the 4th was the local grand finale. maya is in school right now, and she mentioned she wrote a song about what she was learning. she asked if she could play it, and it didn't come as a surprise to hear a perfectly crafted, well thought out beautiful tune like this. we began to sing it together under the chaos, and it became the soothing nurture we needed to feel grounded in that moment.
i hope this offers you some grounding today. maya has a way with her music that always does that for me. enjoy 

Here is a link to the bandcamp single, Working Man. It is also on Spotify, and all other streaming platforms.

be well,


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Alexa Wildish